Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Review of the Chap4 of e-Learning and the Science of Instruction

Chapter 4 Applying the Contiguity Principle(連續性/連貫性)

Place corresponding words and graphics near each other

n Contiguity principle: place printed words near corresponding graphics

ü When printed words refer to parts of on-screen graphics, make sure the printed words are placed next to the corresponding part of a graphic to which they refer.

ü Implemented by the technique “mouse-over” or “rollover”.

ü Four common violations of this principle that are frequently seen in e-learning courseware:

² Visuals and explanatory text are separated, one before another, and partially obscured because of scrolling screens.

² Feedback is displayed on a separate screen from the practice or question.

² Links leading to an on screen reference appear in a second browser window that covers the related information on the initial screen.

² Directions to complete practice exercises are placed on a separate screen from the application screen in which the directions are to be followed.

ü Separation of text and graphics on scrolling screens

² This problem can be remedied by the use of fixed screen displays when it is important to see the text and graphic together.

² Another remedy to the scrolling screen problem is to use text boxes that pop up over graphics when the graphic is touched by the cursor.

² You can also opt to place a reduced-size graphic next to text on a scrolling screen to avoid this problem.

ü Separation of feedback from questions

² The feedback should appears on the same screen as the question, providing learners with the opportunity to see the question, their answers, and the accuracy of their answers.

ü Covering lesson screens with linked screens

² Solution: the linked job aid shown in the left-hand window does not cover the entire screen and it can either be minimized for easy access or it can be printed for reference during the case.

ü Presenting exercise directions separate from the exercise

² A better alternative is to put the step-by-step directions in a box on the application screen.

n Psychological reasons for the contiguity principle

ü When words and pictures are separated from on another on the screen, people must see their scare cognitive resources just to match them up.

ü Then they have fewer cognitive resources to use to mentally organize and integrate the material.

ü When words and pictures are integrated, people can hold them together in their working memories and therefore make meaningful connections between them.

n Evidence for presenting words at the same time as corresponding graphics

n Mayer 做的實驗, 圖在文字中間,圖在文字下面,當然結果是圖在文字中間效果比較好

n Eye movement (眼動),那些學習最好的學生往往不是一次閱讀完所有的文字,而是透過閱讀一段文字後,尋求圖形上面的意義/理解,再進行下一段的閱讀

n What to look for in e-learning

ü Screens that place explanatory text adjacent to the graphic they describe.

ü Feedback that appears on the same screen as the question.

ü Procedural directions that appear on the same screen in which the steps are to be applied in an exercise.

ü Linked information that does not cover related information on the primary screen.

ü Use of techniques such as pop-up text and reduced graphics that support integration of text and graphics.


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